What to avoid doing when negotiating

Negotiating is a daily action that allows us to reach various agreements without always having to do with money, and it goes far beyond sealing a sale. When the other party is very competitive and not willing to lose anything, it can be one of the most difficult things to undertake. And two of the most helpful tips we’re given are attitude and prioritizing what matters most.

Lisa Juan José Gutiérrez Mayorga suggests that it is best to have a complete picture so that the counterpart shows us the same way. That is, what not to do to achieve a much more fruitful negotiation and obtain what is best for you and even for your counterpart. You have probably already better identified what is essential to implement.

Negotiating mistakes

Check out these 5 scenarios to stay away from during the trading process:

  1. When you engage in aggressive negotiation, you ignore the wishes of the other party and show only interest in the benefits that one party will receive. Effective communication can be hindered by conversations that focus on your needs and wants, as this creates a barrier that makes the other person feel ignored and unappreciated. You put yourself in a selfish position by refusing to give in, which makes any discussion difficult or impossible.
  2. Losing focus on the goal: It is common for negotiating parties to lose sight of their ultimate goals while they are still in progress. Deals can fail if the best alternatives are not identified, and can result in a negative close with the opposing party.
  3. Ignore the rule that everyone must win: it is a mistake to allow the scales to tip more to one side than the other, as interest may be lost if someone wins more. The win-win approach, which is based on being honest about your intention to compromise so that both parties win, may be the best option.
  4. Mistreatment of the people involved: the exchange of opposing points of view and arguments leads to a discussion about the circumstances. Confusing interests with the representation of those interests can be rude and awkward. Regardless of whether an agreement is reached, it is imperative to show respect for the opposition.
  5. Emotions that impair judgment: While there may be times during conversations when someone feels uncomfortable or simply unsupportive, this should not be seen as acting hastily or as being anxious. Reaching an understanding can be hampered by some emotions that prevent us from acting rationally.

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Carla Fowler

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