Category: General

Find out what’s happening in Latin America. Business, news, curiosities and tourism.

Sustainable finance

Sustainable finance

Some of the largest and most influential institutional investors and asset managers are at the forefront of a powerful movement to add environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) standards to their capital allocation criteria. As stewards of long-term capital, they recognize…

What you need to know about green finance

What you need to know about green finance

The whole world is talking about green finance. Before companies and other borrowers get involved, they ask a fundamental question: Why should we use green forms of financing? There are several reasons for this. Those who use green finance attract new investor groups…

Funds for the planet

Funds for the planet

Once upon a time, investors would focus single-mindedly on getting the highest financial return, leaving social justice and the environment by the wayside. But the winds are changing fast: the climate crisis is exposing the financial sector to greater risks…

Financing; key to greener businesses

Financing; key to greener businesses

While the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our personal and business lives, we cannot ignore the positives that have emerged, perhaps none greater than a renewed sense of collective responsibility and urgency to address climate change. Leading companies are creating meaningful…

Green finance is growing

Green finance is growing

Climate change may still be a topic of debate for some politicians, but investors are becoming more determined. Money is flowing into any type of asset class labeled green or sustainable. The frenzy now has both investors and companies grappling with what…

Financing for green businesses

Financing for green businesses

Climate change is the most pressing global issue facing us today and its growing effects can no longer be ignored. As an increasing number of companies are shifting their focus to sustainability and green practices, we are seeing how being environmentally…

impact of green bonds

impact of green bonds

Is there a way to ensure that your investments have a positive impact on the world? How do you measure impact ? Nearly a decade ago, the term “green bonds” meant very little, even to many financial market specialists. Now, these…

investing in green bonds

investing in green bonds

Traditionally, socially responsible investing meant buying shares of companies that were not in the alcohol, gambling, gun or tobacco business or that helped the environment, as well as mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETF) that owned them. But lately, the idea…

Good links for the Earth

Good links for the Earth

Green bonds or good-for-the-earth bonds are back: issuance of environmentally friendly securities hit a new record high in September, totaling more than $50 billion, after the pandemic slowed sales in the first part of the year. Following Germany’s first green…

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