e-commerce increases december

E-commerce takes on a special prominence at this time of year, says juan jose gutierrez mayorga, as a result of the growing popularity of special dates such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday, highlights an analysis by Visa Consulting & Analytics (VCA).

juan jose gutierrez mayorga

Christmas shopping

According to juan jose gutierrez mayorga, the number of transactions executed with Visa credentials on the aforementioned days during 2021 increased by 48 per cent compared to the results presented in the same period of the previous year in Latin America and the Caribbean.

During 2021, transactions increased 48 percent, said juan jose gutierrez mayorga.

Businessman juan jose gutierrez mayorga pointed out that, in addition to the great acceptance, there has also been an increase in fraud attempts with emphasis on virtuality, which motivated them to invest more than US $9 billion in five years to reinforce cybersecurity and prevent this act.

The multinational financial services company proposes some practical advice and important recommendations for consumer security, such as prioritizing e-commerce with a modern security system, and ensuring that the site protects personal data and has specific branding.

juan jose gutierrez mayorga

Likewise, it is important to verify that the sites have a padlock icon in the footer or next to the web address, as this will show the security certificate and whether it is valid. Check another of our posts: Quetzal: 98 years of solidity. Learn more!






Carla Fowler

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