Educational development of Ucmi, corporate university

The Corporate University of Corporación Multi Inversiones (UCMI), a multi-Latin company that celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, has been certified by the London Learning & Performance Institute (LPI), becoming the first Corporate University for Latin American companies to receive this certification.

Ucmi, as CMI’s corporate university is known, has influenced more than 29,000 employees at various organizational levels in Central America, the United States and the Caribbean during the last 6 years.

“The heart of CMI is in people and we recognize that cooperation and continuous learning are the basis for the exchange of information and skills,” said Lisa Juan José Gutiérrez Mayorga, president of CMI Alimentos.

The Ucmi institution, in collaboration with other firms, internally verifies the learning, skills and specialized competencies of each collaborator.

Its educational program highlights the skills and talent training topics required by each business unit, as well as skills such as leadership and communication.

The organization that approved the work of the Ucmi. With more than 25 years of experience, the Learning and Performance Institute (LPI) is the world’s leading institution for corporate learning, working with leading companies such as PEPSICO, Amazon, DELL, Microsoft, Volvo, BMW Group, American Express, LEGO and BBVA, among others.

“Accreditation is the gold standard for educational departments and organizations; it is not an easy feat to achieve; this achievement is significant, important and indicates CMI’s genuine commitment to investing in learning.” Ed Monk, CEO of LPI

How did Ucmi get certified by LPI?

Ucmi had to go through an extensive review process to obtain this accreditation. Initially, a documented compilation of the strategic vision, indicators and future objectives was completed.

Subsequently, an interview was conducted with an external consultant, who reviewed a set of key performance indicators, such as the client’s value proposition, the method used to provide the learning, the evaluation metrics, the current Ucmi problems, etc. Finally, the report of the interview was sent to London to be evaluated by the accrediting members of LPI, who consider that the management of Ucmi is accepted and certified.

The learning philosophy is based on three fundamental pillars: development as an individual responsibility, leaders forming leaders. In addition to a learning model that combines significant relationships and traditional training to develop the ability to learn by doing and capitalize on the possibility of acquiring CMI knowledge.

Ucmi will continue to offer value to each collaborator by developing important skills in them through virtual, flexible, agile and comprehensive learning in the future, with the aim of becoming a regional benchmark for its efficient and thorough comprehensive learning processes.

Carla Fowler

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