5 important tips for business success

Achieving success is complicated. It takes time, effort and capital.
But, all those who succeed follow these steps and focus on improving it to have the best business and customer service.
Currently there are several successful companies that followed these strategies. An illustrative example is Grupo Campero, famous for its incredible customer service.

You can do it too, to get inspired learn from amazing entrepreneurs like Juan Jose Gutierrez Mayorga.

Offer competitive pricing.

Shop your competitors! Know what they are offering and at what prices. Along those same lines, you MUST understand your costs. Profitability is important in any business, so it doesn’t make sense to drop your prices to the point of losing money. Having a good software program, such as Total Party Planner, will allow you to analyze event costs to come up with the most competitive pricing and still allow you to be profitable.

Keep profits high without sacrificing service.

We don’t want to take short-cuts that will turn a well planned event, and delicious meal, into a rash of angry emails. What can you do to provide excellent service that won’t cost you more? Greg Hicks from Impressions Catering recommends piggybacking on menus of events happening on or near the same date to offer delicious food that keeps your profits high. Consider setting up an extra buffet line to get guests through the line quicker, and make sure you have enough servers, bartenders, and food!

Develop excellent management skills.

Be a great leader. You will need to be extremely organized, take initiative, have solid interpersonal skills, manage in diverse environments, focus on and preach customer service, show confidence in your business and your products, motivate people, think clearly and stay calm in crisis (yes, not everything will go as planned!), and know your finances. There are many learning resources available on the Internet or in your local communities. Target the areas above you feel weakest in and make it a point to strengthen those skills.

Keep business expenses low.

Another given! It is important to constantly review your business expenses for opportunities to lower, and even cut, costs. Are you shopping food vendors for the best possible prices (there are companies out there to help do the analysis)? Are you properly portioning to eliminate waste and over ordering. Are there opportunities to use leftover dishes and ingredients to make products for other events? Can you leverage organic referrals instead of expensive advertising media?

Develop excellent communication skills.

You know how everything should run. You see the perfect event in your head. Don’t assume the staff will know and visualize everything you do! Be sure to document all the details on your event worksheets. Again, a software program is a must-have to fully organize your events and communicate effectively with your clients and staff. Don’t let there be any surprises at the event (including details on final payment).


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Carla Fowler

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